Codice meccanografico TOCF01600C

The organization is part of several networks in order to provide a training which is both tailor made and also responding to the needs of the labor market. Its main networks are in the field of young people education, adult education, ICT, Energy and environment and sustainable mobility where ENGIM is in charge of post-diploma and post-graduate courses. The networks involve other educational organizations, companies, universities, research centers and local authorities. During the years ENGIM has also developed a know how in e-learning and content management system developing on-line courses and providing tools for distance learning using web 2.0 tools and devices.

Lots of activities are related to work placement: the recently introduced dual system, apprenticeship, participation to local contexts and other projects. In order to provide updated competencies we have recently engaged in a series of activities parallel to the “standard training”, which are often financed with our own resources such as a 3d printer laboratory, a bar open in the afternoon for adult and evening learners, a workshop where learners repair electronic objects and small household electrical appliances. All these activities allow students to have working experience in a safe environment and, at the same time, experiencing real clients and real money which is then used for didactical activities.

Since 2005, a lot of actions have been developed also in the field of adult education, addressed to several targets: migrants, employed and unemployed people, companies and local authorities. The main fields of training are environment, ICT and communication, management and social care.