ENGIM is involved in EU projects in the fields of education and training
WISE (Working in Soft Skills for Employment)
WISE (Working in Soft Skills for Employment) has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme – KA2 “Exchange of Good Practices”.
The project’s focus is on the exchange of tools and methodologies to support the acquisition of soft skills in learners so that they can be equipped for the labour market.
As well as Italy, the partners come from Portugal, The Basque Country, Estonia, Finland, Denmark and Norway.
There will be project meetings and learning activities for the trainers in Finland and the Basque Country.
The project will last until October 2023.
HOWL – HOspitality at Work with Languages
HOWL is funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the KA2 “Exchange of Good Practices”. The project involves 5 partners from Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The partnership intends to focus on the learning of a second language (English and
German) in the vocational training courses in the HORECA (Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism) sector that also include some forms of work-based learning as a distinctive part. The teaching methods of foreign languages will be examined starting from the partners’ experiences: during the first year of the project the partnership will exchange and analyse methodologies and tools. Then, in accordance with the priorities set by the European Union to raise the competencies provided by VET organizations and their trainers, a learning activity (“Short Term staff Training Event”) will be organized.
More info here
FETI – From Exclusion to Inclusion
The FETI project will look to see if a model can be designed which leads to better integration of immigrants, as well as increasing their digital, linguistic, language and, where needed, vocational skills. This transnational project brings together a consortium of partners with extensive and complementary expertise in adult guidance, research, training and networking. The Consortium is composed of partners from both private and public bodies in Norway, Italy, Turkey and Scotland, including higher education institutions, Adult Education providers and non profit organizations. The project will be completed in 2022.
SEAL – See and Learn is funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the KA2 “Exchange of Good practices”. The project involves 9 partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Estonia and Bulgaria. The partnership will identify, analyse and synthesise success models of work-based learning starting from good practices and innovations from each partner. The partners are involved in WBL at various level (apprenticeship, general work-placements, dual system, on-the-job training..),and they will compare success factors, exchange lesson learnt and learn from each other in order to create a model not only to train students as workers with technical skills but also with soft skills.
VET2B: Vet to Business
VET2B: Vet to Business The project aims to promote work-based learning in an innovative way by creating a digital platform, on the model of the Business to Business platforms, both for VET providers and for companies. The VET system, through its training programmes, daily implements an amount of activities (services of catering, web-design, marketing projects, lab tests, 3D printing, etc.) that learners do as exercises or simulation of a real job. The aim of the project is to turn these activities in real services to be offered through a digital platform which can be purchased and thus regarded as “orders”. The project involves 6 partners from Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal. The project is co-funded by the European Union Programme Erasmus+. Project website: https://vet2bproject.eu/
VEriTage – Integrated European Cultural Heritage for VET
VEriTage – Integrated European Cultural Heritage for VET
The project VeriTage is funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the KA2 “Exchange of Good practices”. The project involves 5 partners from Italy, Lithuania, Spain, and Sweden.The project goal is to approach and explore the European cultural heritage topic and one methodology: the integrated teaching and learning one. The aim is to mix them together fostering a new and crucial topic for VET offer by a new approach, integrating it in some existing training paths within the VET provider offer in Europe. The project will design, implement, test and disseminate a kit of didactic-educational tools tailored made on VET trainers.
Website: https://veritage.eu/
TAD – The Ability advisor
TAD – The Ability advisor: improving the tourism for all market The main project goal is to design, implement, promote and test a profile of a professional operating in supporting SMEs to face successfully the increasing tourism for all market. The final output is a training course to be carried out on line, in classroom a with some work experience in the field. The participants will be approximately 30 students from Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Lithuania. The project is co-funded by the European Union Programme Erasmus+. Project website: http://abilityadvisor.eu/
GGinYSC: Good Governance in Youth Sports Clubs
The Project GGinYSC: Good Governance in Youth Sports Clubs promotion e-education in sport as tool protect youngest athletes has several innovative aspects. First off all the proposal is multidisciplinary, it means that all people involved in GGinYSC (coordinators, technician and support staff, mentors, experts) have a huge and accurate experiences. Synergy effect guarantees a high quality development and implementation of this project. Each partner has unique skills to be an essential and important link in the evaluation of the project. Karol (practical knowledge and experience as a sports club), Getxo Kirolak (management knowledge and experience as a municipal sports entity) and ENGIM (e-educational knowledge and experience as non-profit vocational training organisation). Main project objectives: good governance in youth sports clubs, toolkits for young athletes protection, e-learning training as one of tools are in GGinYSC clearly stated and can be achieved taking into account the nature and experience of the partnership.The proposal identifies and adequately addresses clearly specified target group needs. The project is co-funded by the European Union Programme Erasmus+. Project website: http://www.gginysc.eu/
S.T.R.E.E.T. Sustainable Transport Education for Environment and Tourism
Funded under Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships.
The project aims to build on-line learning units on soft mobility and urban transportation. The project will include training sessions within the 4 partner countries (Slovenia, United Kingdom, Austria and Italy).
Project website: http://www.streetproject.eu/
DUAL MOB – Dual Training through Mobility
DUAL MOB – Dual Training through Mobility The project, which ended in August 2018, aimed at developing key professional and technical skills required by companies, through work-based learning experiences, in foreign contexts.
The project involved 300 students attending vocational education and training courses in 18 Italian regions. ENGIM PIEMONTE involved 8 young people in this project, who have completed an internship in Cork (Ireland) in July. The project was co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
Pro.Mo- Professional on the Move- second edition.
Funded by our Regional Authority of Piedmont, through ESF and addresses to the organisation’s staff. Aim of the project, towards study visits in EU, is to exchange views and best practices on contents such as work placements, job and training, apprenticeship, dual system and innovative didactis.
The 4 study visits will be held in Germany, Finland, United Kingdom and Spain, with a main focus on a certain topic in each country.
Engim will work with a local partner who will prepare a suitable program within 5 days.
J.A.M. Job Abroad Mobility- second edition.
Funded by the Regional Authority of Piedmont, through ESF and addressed to 24 unemployed people aged 18-35.
The project allowed the implementation of a 4 months internship in different fields and in different EU countries (Spain, United Kingdom and Portugal).
As a result, 8 of the participants are currently abroad with a contract of employment.
ELICA Electronics, Catering and ICT in Motion- second edition
Funded by the ESF, under Erasmus+ Key Action 1
The project, addressed to 25 students of our training organisation, allowed a 4 week work placement in order to strengthen competencies and achieve more confidence. The work placements have been carried out in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Germany and Spain, in the following fields: ICT/electronics, restoration and bar, auto mechanics’, carpentry and hairdressing.
MoMa.Biz Mobility Management for Business and Industrial Zones (2010-2013)
Founded by the Intelligent Energy Programme. It aimed at producing a model which could be replicated throughout the EU to achieve a more environmentally constructive mobility to and from work for those working in these zones, through the production of alternatives to the almost exclusive use of the car.
The project involved five EU countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Estonia, Spain and UK.
DELFI DEvelopment of Language Learning For Immigrants (2010-2012)
The project aimed to strenghten methods and instruments for language learning addressed to immigrants. The project involved 4 EU countries: France, Norway, UK and Sweden.
ANIMATE funded by Leonardo da Vinci (2011) under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)
Was addressed to SME, in order to supply consultation concerning the European single market.
The project involved the participation of Germany and UK.
We look forward to new opportunities and successful cooperation. Join us!
Contact person:
Roberta Richiero roberta.richiero@engimtorino.net
Our partners
Austria: https://www.alpine-pearls.com/
Belgium: www.accessibletourism.org– https://www.syntravlaanderen.be/
Bulgaria: https://dp.bgcpo.bg/
Denmark: http://intercollege.info/
Estonia: https://jkhk.ee
Finland: https://www.kpedu.fi/ – https://www.yrkesakademin.fi/
Germany: https://www.abu-ggmbh.de/ – https://hamburg.arbeitundleben.de/
Italy: http://www.transpadana.org/ – https://www.bluebook.it/ – http://www.innovaper.eu/ – http://www.scformazione.org/
Latvia: http://www.dobelemc.mozello.lv/home/
Lithuania: https://www.paneveziodrmc.lt/
Norway: https://www.jaattaa.vgs.no/
Poland: http://inneo.org.pl/en/home/ – http://zs8.szczecin.pl/
Portugal: https://www.tecminho.uminho.pt/ – http://www.epb.pt/ – https://www.valdorio.net/
United Kingdom: http://lightonthepath.co.uk/ – http://creativeexchange.org/ – https://northwestacademy.net/ – http://epnconsulting.eu/ – http://www.tellusgroup.com/
Slovenia: http://www.bled.si/it/
Spain: http://www.aiju.info/en – http://www.madforeurope.org/ – https://intereuroparioja.org/ – https://www.getxo.eus/es/getxo-kirolak – http://www.xabec.es/ – https://www.ikaslanbizkaia.eus/
Sweden: http://mexpert.se/